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Re: dumb completion question

> Now I look, the problem is another quoting problem:

Doooh!  Thanks a lot for finding this!

For the records, here is my new _cssh:
(may it'll make it into the CVS?)

#compdef cssh crsh

local definedclusters

definedclusters=($(grep '^clusters' $HOME/.csshrc | cut -d= -f2- 2>/dev/null))

_arguments \
  '-h[help]' \
  '-H[show man page]' \
  '-v[show version]' \
  '-d[enable basic debugging mode]' \
  '-D[enable extended debugging mode]' \
  '-q[enable automatic quit after last window is closed]' \
  '-Q[disable automatic quit after last window is closed]' \
  '-u[output configuration]' \
  '-g[enable window tiling]' \
  '-G[disable window tiling]' \
  '-c[use additional cluster file]:cluster file:_files' \
  '-l:username:_users' \
  '-T:window title prefix:' \
  '-o:arguments to ssh or rsh:' \
  '-t:arguments to terminals:' \
  '-i[ignore errors from unresolvable hostnames]' \
  '-e[evaluate arguments to identify potential errors]:userhostport:_user_at_host' \
  '*:cssh clusters:($definedclusters)'

# original, completing just user@host:
#  '*:userhostport: _alternative hosts:host:_hosts usersathosts:userathost:_user_at_host'


 The typewriting machine, when played with expression, is no more
 annoying than the piano when played by a sister or near relation.
                 -- Oscar Wilde

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