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Re: PROMPT escape sequences

On Oct 8,  1:42pm, Geoff Wing wrote:
} Subject: Re: PROMPT escape sequences
} :Hm.  If I do, in my xterm,
} :% PS1='verylongstring%#%S '
} :then the entire prompt, including the "verylongstring%", appears in
} :reverse video.  Are you saying that it's ZLE that's spreading the
} :standout mode to the left as well as to the right, and not just a
} :quirk of xterm?
} I haven't yet been able to have this occur.

Sorry, I missed a detail (that's what I get for reconstructing an
example rather than copy-pasting it).  Here's a better one:

PS1='very%Blong%bstring%#%S '

The %S effect begins at the %B, not at the point where it should.

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