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foo=${(z)${(s:.:)SECONDS}} ; echo ${foo[1]}.${(r:2:)foo[2]}

from the man page...

For example, `typeset -F SECONDS' causes the value to be reported as a floating point number. The precision is six decimal places, although not all places may be useful.

but i see something like this...
	% echo $SECONDS

with ten decimal places.

i want that number to be reported only to hundredths of a second (two decimal places). i could just say that there are 10 decimal places and i want to get rid of eight:
	print "${SECONDS/%????????/}"

but that would break if the number of digits after the decimal point changes. which leads me to:
	% foo=${(z)${(s:.:)SECONDS}} ; echo ${foo[1]}.${(r:2:)foo[2]}

which works fine, but i'm wondering if there's a more graceful way to do that without an intermediate variable (foo, in this case).

any ideas....?


 762A 3B98 A3C3 96C9 C6B7 582A B88D 52E4 D9F5 7808

	"But that one 16 ounce cut of prime rib is equal to a
	 thousand gallons of fresh water, a few acres of grass,
	 a few fish, a quarter acre of corn etc. What's the
	 point of taking a shorter shower to conserve water as
	 Greenpeace is preaching if you can sit down and
	 consume a 1000 gallons of water at a single meal? And
	 that single cut of meat would have cost as much in
	 vegetable resources equivalent to what could be fed to
	 an entire African village for a week."
		-- Capt Paul Watson, A Very Inconvenient Truth

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