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Re: Globbing Completion

Vadim Zeitlin sent me the following 0.7K:

> CJ> Hi, zsh users.  Occasionally I run into the situation where I'd like to
> CJ> glob all the files that are offered for completion.


>  I had exactly the same question ~6 months ago and Peter has kindly
> provided the answer (which works great for me ever since then), see
> 	http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.shells.zsh.user/6902

Thanks, VZ.  I guess I didn't realize the significance of your post the
first time I saw it.  Per your message and Peter's, this did the trick
to expand the completed filenames:

   $ zle -C all-matches complete-word _generic
   $ bindkey '^Xa' all-matches
   $ zstyle ':completion:all-matches:*' completer _all_matches _complete
   $ zstyle ':completion:all-matches:*' insert true     

Chris Johnson

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