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Strange behaviour in completion when prompt is colorized

Hi, While completing commands/filenames. zsh is inserting some spaces on
the command-line. However, it lists down the possible matches also... How can
I make it not insert these annoying spaces?

For example, if I type pdf at the prompt and hit TAB,
~> pdf<TAB>

The result is:

~> pdf              _<-- The cursor is now here!
pdf2dsc      pdfetex      pdfinfo      pdfopt       pdftops                
pdf2ps       pdfevirtex   pdfinitex    pdfs@        pdftotext              
pdfeinitex   pdffonts     pdfjadetex   pdftex       pdfvirtex              
pdfelatex    pdfimages    pdflatex     pdftopbm     pdfxmltex

This is happening only if I add colors to my prompt.
PS1="$fg[default]$fg[red]%c$fg[default]> "

I was using zsh 4.0.7 but this is same with zsh 4.3.6


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