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Re: Keybindings for home/end/delete/insert

Daniel Qarras <dqarras@xxxxxxxxx>:
> FWIW, without any ~/.z* files I created the following minimal set of
> keybindings for Linux console / xterm /gnome-terminal, with them
> backspace/delete/insert/home/end/pgup/pgdown work for me on those
> three terminals when using zsh-4.3.
> bindkey '\e[1~'   beginning-of-line  # Linux console
> bindkey '\e[H'    beginning-of-line  # xterm
> bindkey '\eOH'    beginning-of-line  # gnome-terminal
> bindkey '\e[2~'   overwrite-mode     # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal
> bindkey '\e[3~'   delete-char        # Linux console, xterm, gnome-terminal
> bindkey '\e[4~'   end-of-line        # Linux console
> bindkey '\e[F'    end-of-line        # xterm
> bindkey '\eOF'    end-of-line        # gnome-terminal

Also consider the zkbd and $terminfo[] solutions from:

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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