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Re: Submitting vcs_info function

Phil Pennock <zsh-workers+phil.pennock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 2008-09-18 at 01:58 +0200, Frank Terbeck wrote:
> > > Also, I don't believe that "svn info" makes any guarantees about output
> > > ordering.
> > 
> > That would be unfortunate. I wouldn't mind, if there would be another
> > more machine-friendly way to extract the information... But that would
> > have to be done by a subversion-dev.
> *cough*  Define machine-friendly?  The canonical method supported by
> Subversion is to use XML.
> svn info --xml
> I'm not inclined to parse that in zsh.

Well, me neither. :)
We could however, do what we do now, and additionally introduce a
'use-perl' style, that uses perl with an appropriate module, that
parses the xml output. Unless someone writes an interface to some xml
library for zsh. :)

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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