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Re: Completion and dircolors problem

* Mikael Magnusson (Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:30:20 +0100)> 
> 2008/11/30 Thorsten Kampe <thorsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > 4.3.6. So this is expected?! As I said I don't set the list-colors
> > manually but I let zsh read my LS_COLORS (tip from the user guide
> > ("list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}")).
> >
> > So if I understand it correctly the external command dircolors
> > understands "LINK target" - while zsh does not ("ln=target") until
> > 4.3.9?!
> You can filter out the ln with an expression like
> ${${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}%ln=*}, then you probably want to add an explicit
> 'ln=0;36' too after. Ie,
> zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)${LS_COLORS}%ln=*} 'ln=00;36'
> [...]
> If you want to be fancy, you can make the above depend on $ZSH_VERSION
> too, but it's probably easier to just remove it when you update zsh.

I commented it out in ~/.dir_colors and I will re-enable it when 
Gentoo's zsh gets updated.


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