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Re: Expanding global aliases on key press

On Feb 24,  8:03pm, Bart Schaefer wrote:
} Normally the context would be :completion:expand-alias-word:::: but
} because you're invoking a completion widget from inside an ordinary
} widget the usual context setup is lost and you get just :completion::
} instead.

Just to clarify ... this is something odd about _expand_alias, not
about completion widgets in general.  _expand_alias is for reasons
I've forgotten examining $funcstack to decide how (whether) to set
up the context, and when called in a nested fashion that way, the
$funcstack is always non-empty.  This has something to do with it
being both a completer function (as in, it can be named in your
completers zstyle) and a widget function; there might be a better way
to determine which way it's being invoked.

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