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Re: Mimicking tcsh line-editing behavior

2009/7/2 Rhyme Tan <rhymetan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> My default shell is tcsh. In tcsh I can use alt(meta)-backspace, alt-F or
> alt-B to delete, or move forward or backward through a path.
> For example I type:
> ls /An/Example/of/a/Path/Name/
> To delete Path/Name/, I simply hold down the alt key and press backspace
> twice (alt-backspace x2). This will leave me with the path
> &quot;/An/Example/of/a/&quot;. I cannot do this in zsh because pressing
> alt-backspace will delete the whole path (that is,
> &quot;/An/Example/of/a/Path/Name/&quot;). Is there some magic config option
> I can pass to zsh to duplicate the behavior of alt-backspace, -F, or -B) in
> tcsh?
> Thanks.

This was posted here some time ago (months, years, who knows?) and I
have used it since:

_my_extended_wordchars_space="${my_extended_wordchars} "

# is the current position \-quoted ?
function _is_quoted(){
 test "${BUFFER[$CURSOR-1,CURSOR-1]}" = "\\"

    while  _is_quoted
      do zle .backward-kill-word

    while  _is_quoted
      do zle .kill-word

    while  _is_quoted
      do zle .backward-word

    while _is_quoted
      do zle .forward-word

_backward-delete-to-space() {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars_slash}
    zle .backward-kill-word

_backward-delete-to-/ () {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars}
    zle .backward-kill-word

_forward-delete-to-space() {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars_slash}
    zle .kill-word

_forward-delete-to-/ () {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars}
    zle .kill-word

_backward-to-space() {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars_slash}
    zle .backward-word

_forward-to-space() {
     local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars_slash}
     zle .forward-word

_backward-to-/ () {
    local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars}
    zle .backward-word

_forward-to-/ () {
     local WORDCHARS=${_my_extended_wordchars}
     zle .forward-word

zle -N _backward-delete-to-/
zle -N _forward-delete-to-/
zle -N _backward-delete-to-space
zle -N _forward-delete-to-space
zle -N _backward-to-/
zle -N _forward-to-/
bindkey '^w'      _backward-delete-to-/
bindkey '^[^w'    _backward-delete-to-space
bindkey "^[^[[D"  _backward-to-/
bindkey "^[^[[C"  _forward-to-/
bindkey "^[^B"    _backward-to-/
bindkey "^[^F"    _forward-to-/
bindkey "^[^?"    _backward-delete-to-/
bindkey "^[^[[3~" _forward-delete-to-/

adjust the bindings to your liking obviously. It is not perfect when
it comes across some multibyte characters i think.

Mikael Magnusson

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