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Re: completion through windows drive letters

On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 16:20:03 -0400 Anthony Heading <ajrh@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

AH> Using zsh on cygwin with old-style completion, "cd c:/P<TAB>" will
AH> complete e.g. to c:/Program Files et al.  Using the compinit system,
AH> this no longer works for me.  Is there any setting that I might be
AH> missing, or maybe a way of setting simpler completion as a fallback?

 It worked with compinit too in older versions, e.g. it still works in
4.3.4 that I use (for exactly this reason). Unfortunately it was broken in
the later versions. AFAIK this wasn't intentional, at least I saw several
messages implying that it was a bug but I've never seen anything about a


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