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Re: Unable to read history on latest Cygwin

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Peter A. Castro <doctor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Hmm...atomic in the sense that the open vectors through the symlink to the
> real file?

No, atomic as in no two people can think they were successful in creating it
-- one must succeed, and everyone else must fail.  A file created
*without*O_EXCL succeeds for everyone, but sadly, O_EXCL does not
always work
correctly (e.g. older NFS don't always support it). Thus, what matters is if
the chosen idiom can safely be used as a single-success locking method or
not.  For O_EXCL, cygwin just needs to have implemented that right.  For
symlinks, it will depend on how the creating of the (symlink-emulating) file
is created in the cygwin code.


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