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Re: Force file completion when hitting TAB twice

Yuri D'Elia <wavexx@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> The 'git' completion is such and example of recurring headache.
> git status [TAB TAB] still doesn't offer me a list of files with this
> code (others, like ssh, do).
> Ideas?

What I do, if compsys is too smart in some situations is that I invoke
a widget that does nothing but file completion. I got that on a
separate keybinding - namely '^xf'.

    zle -C complete-files complete-word _generic
    zstyle ':completion:complete-files:*' completer _files
    bindkey '^xf' complete-files

I do the same to complete words that are in my history, for which I
got a binding on '^xh':

    zle -C complete-history complete-word _generic
    zstyle ':completion:complete-history:*' completer _history
    bindkey '^xh' complete-history

So, everytime <tab> tries to be smarter than it should, I'm hitting
^xf and be done with it.

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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