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Re: Bug in _gnu_generic for "cp -a"?

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:57 AM, Andy Spiegl <zsh.Andy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I always had "compdef _gnu_generic cp" in my zsh completion config.

Is there a reason you wanted to override the _cp completer that is
provided by default?  Does it get something else wrong that
_gnu_generic solved?

> but at least for a couple months now I get this:
> condor:~> cp -a .zshr<TAB>
> - -a -

_gnu_generic attempts to parse the output of "cp --help" and build a
completion description from that.  If the parse gets confused because
the format of the help output has changed, it won't necessarily
produce a correct result.

What do you see with

% cp -<TAB>

(that is, attempt to complete the list of options)?

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