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alias in .zprofile - strange effect


I'm using zsh GIT- 2010/07/20

In my home directory I have a .zprofile file with the following lines
export PGPPATH=~/.pgp
alias lpps="lpr -Ppsloc"
alias cdc="cd ..;cd ~-"
#if [[ $DISPLAY == ':0.0' ]]; then 
#  /usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
# export OPERADIR=/usr/local/share/opera
export NEDIT_HOME=/home/jarausch/.nedit

If I enter  'cdc', ZSH doesn't know it.

But if I (re-)define it by
alias cdc="cd ..;cd ~-"

then 'cdc' is known afterwards.
And I've debugged it, .zprofile has been run during startup.

What's going on?

Many thanks for a hint,

Helmut Jarausch
Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

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