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Problems with zsh's job control and running jobs

I've used zsh for years now, and since the beginning, I've been annoyed
by the way it handles running jobs.  What I want is basically to
make the "&" operator behave like "&!".

I want to be able to suspend jobs using ^Z, so I can't set NO_MONITOR.
I want zsh to warn me if I try to log out when there are suspended jobs,
so I can't set NO_CHECK_JOBS.

Is there a way to make zsh differentiate between running and
suspended jobs?  That is, make it so that CHECK_JOBS only looks for
suspended jobs, not running ones?

If not, is it possible to make "&" disown jobs by default?  I don't
want to retrain myself to use "&!" because I don't always use zsh,
and the &! syntax is not valid in other shells.


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