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Completion for man (_man) patch to support -M

Hi all,

I was studying the completion system and, since I would like to add
support for -M for the _man completion, I've done it.  Dirty and ugly
patch is attached.

Anyway, here comes some inline considerations:

    +  if (( $words[(I)-M] == (( $CURRENT - 1 )) )); then
    +    _directories && return 0
    +  fi

Here I wanted to check if the cursor position (where the user will hit
tab) will be just after the -M option.  If true, it complete for
directories and exit.  Is it right?  Is there any better way to make
that check?

First I tried to use the _arguments function, but I realized that
_arguments is just an easy layer for what happens behind the scenes and
_man (and other completion functions) use the "behind the scenes" way to
make things work.

    +  if (( $words[(I)-M] )); then
    +    local opt
    +    opt=$words[(( $words[(I)-M]+1 ))]
    +    _manpath=($_manpath $opt)
    +  fi

_man sets a local MANPATH to make man look for man pages in the right
places.  If the user set a man path with -M, I want it to be added to
the _manpath variable.

I'm just not sure if it is the better way to do it.  opt holds the
option passed to the -M flag, but (( $words[(I)-M]+1 )) looks ugly?

If it is all right, can it be pulled upstream?

Thank you very much!

Silas Silva
--- _man.orig	2010-10-21 12:48:02.000000000 -0200
+++ _man	2010-10-21 12:44:37.000000000 -0200
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 _man() {
   local dirs expl mrd awk
+  if (( $words[(I)-M] == (( $CURRENT - 1 )) )); then
+    _directories && return 0
+  fi
   if [[ $service == man ]] && (( $words[(I)-l] + $words[(I)--local-file] )); then
     _files || return 0
@@ -21,6 +25,12 @@
   (( $#_manpath )) ||
       _manpath=( /usr/man(-/) /(opt|usr)/(pkg|dt|share|X11R6|local)/(cat|)man(-/) )
+  if (( $words[(I)-M] )); then
+    local opt
+    opt=$words[(( $words[(I)-M]+1 ))]
+    _manpath=($_manpath $opt)
+  fi
   # `sman' is the SGML manual directory for Solaris 7.
   # 1M is system administrator commands on SVR4

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