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Re: Key bindings not working under screen

* Bart Schaefer (Wed, 16 Feb 2011 09:01:21 -0800)
> On Feb 16, 12:41pm, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> } Subject: Re: Key bindings not working under screen
> }
> } > # at the top of .zshrc
> } > exec 2> /tmp/zshrc$$
> } > setopt xtrace
> } 
> } It reaches the end ("setopt noxtrace") in both cases (screen call in 
> } .zlogin and without) and the generated log files in $TMP (zshrcnnnn) are 
> } exactly the same...
> Then it's time to look for something in /etc/zlogin or ~/.zlogin that
> may be causing it (assuming screen starts zsh as a login shell).  If
> that's not the problem the only thing I could suggest is to create a
> verbose shell function wrapper for bindkey, something like
>     zmodload -i zsh/parameter
>     bindkey() {
>       print -u2 -- "$functrace[@]": bindkey "$@"
>       builtin bindkey "$@"
>     }
> and install that very early, perhaps in ~/.zshenv.

I decided not to continue at this point since not setting EDITOR to vim 
fixes the issue.

Thanks, Thorsten

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