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Re: How to redirect output without escape sequences to a file

* Bart Schaefer (Mon, 09 May 2011 08:01:30 -0700)
> On May 8,  9:27pm, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> } I've modified my PS4 so it contains a little bit of colour[1].
> I was going to suggest that you stop using the terminal escape
> sequences directly and use the %F prompt escape instead:
>     PS4='%F{cyan}%B+%b%f%1N[%i]%F{cyan}%B:%b%f '

I did that and this looks much more readable now. Unfortunately on a 
machine of mine with an older zsh (4.2.6) this displays as {cyan}.

Whould it make sense to go back to the (older?) "autoload -U colors; 
colors"/"fg_bold[cyan]" invocation on this machine?


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