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Re: Uses of "anonymous functions"

On May 25,  8:29pm, Bart Schaefer wrote:
}     if (){ emulate -LR zsh; setopt extendedglob;
}            [[ $1 = (#b)no([:IDENT:]##) ]] }
}     then unsetopt ${match[1]}
}     fi

Oops, actualy that doesn't work exactly as written, because there is
no $1 in the nameless scope.  I over-simplified a working example.
A local is needed to pass $1 into the anonymous function, and I typo'd
the IDENT class:

    local arg="$1"
    if (){ emulate -LR zsh; setopt extendedglob;
           [[ $arg = (#b)no([[:IDENT:]]##) ]] }
    then unsetopt ${match[1]}

Sorry about that.

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