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Re: Completion from a given list

On Jun 9,  4:01pm, Raghavendra D Prabhu wrote:
} I want to have a completion based on given list which may updated after
} every command is run.

Two ways to go about this.  Both require that you create a function
that calls "compadd" with the list of words you want completed.

    typedef -a _tmux_words
    _tmux_list() {
       compadd -a _tmux_words

Up to you to figure out how to populate the _tmux_words array.  The
function that eventually calls compadd can do as much other work as
you like to decide whether to call compadd at all; see for example
the _expand_alias function in the zsh distribution. [*]

With that in place, you can do either:

(1) Create a key binding that invokes it, leaving normal completion

    compdef -k _tmux_list complete-word ^XT

(2) Add a function to your "completer" style.

    zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _tmux_list _correct

Don't use the above zstyle literally; find the one you are presently
using and insert _tmux_list at the point where you want those words
tried as possible completions.

[*] I picked _expand_alias because it's explicitly designed to be
usable as either a key binding or a completer entry.  Note #compdef
at the top of the source file.

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