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Re: I am a file in the land of dirs and I want to dive ...

On Jul 16,  8:04pm, meino.cramer@xxxxxx wrote:
} sorry for the nonsense in the subject line.... ;)

The nonsense in the message body is much more in need of apology. :-)

} I tried as root
}     cd /
}     zargs -- *(/) -- whirlpooldeep > /tmp/allfiles.crc.txt
} OK...then recursively:
}     cd /
}     zargs -- *(/) -- whirlpooldeep > /tmp/allfiles.crc.txt

These two examples look exactly the same, and in neither case do you
show or even explain what "whirlpooldeep" is, so it's pretty difficult
to help you out.

One question is why you're using a pattern that matches directories
when what you are seeking is files?
} which gaves me:
}     zsh: no matches found: **(.)

That, however, is an obviously useless pattern.  "**" only makes sense
when immediately followed by "/".  Somewhere you should be using **/*(.)
but I can't guess where.


    zargs -- /**/*(.) -- md5sum > /tmp/allfiles.md5.txt

Replace md5sum with whatever does your CRC.  Or if **/*(.) is too much
for zsh to handle,

    find / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > /tmp/allfiles.md5.txt

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