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Re: vcs_info

Julien Nicoulaud wrote:
> It seems by default Git repos have precedence over Hg repos. You can force
> the order this way:
> zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable hg bzr svn git
> I works fine for me (full setup here:
> https://gitorious.org/prso/dotfiles/blobs/master/zsh/conf.d/07_Prompt.sh).
> May be it would be better if vcs_info automatically picked the inner repo ?

This is not possible.

The detections are run sequentially and not in parallel. And with git
for example, you just ask whether you're in a git-working-directory and
git tells you - you don't traverse the directory tree yourself. So there
is no simple way to do this.

I'm also really not a big fan of ~ in git. Because, you probably don't
track everything and use a lot of ignores. And then "git clean -xdf" is
the new "rm -Rf /"...

Regards, Frank

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