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Re: ...missing one bash-feature

On 13 October 2011 06:50,  <meino.cramer@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> there is one feature of the bash which I miss in zsh -- may be
> by not knowing it.
> Suppose in bash I do the following:
> bash> ls onefile.txt twofile.txt threefile.txt
> bash> rm _____
> instead of '_____' I press instead
> ALT - 2 ALT .
> and get the 'last - 2' argument of the previous command, which is
> 'onefile.txt'
> Is there a way to mimic or simulate the same behaviour in zsh or is
> there a even better and even more intuitive way to do so?
> Thank you very much in advance for any help!

This is in zsh by default unless you're using vi keybindings. If
you're not doing that on purpose, add bindkey -e to your .zshrc.

Mikael Magnusson

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