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Re: Hexadecimalic question ;)

On 10 November 2011 18:48,  <meino.cramer@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a string conatining hex digits like this:
>    hexdig="b05a02d7d1df3e6993eca90fa00241550dc95ec8e22d9b7194e2549cbd2f0ee37ec802d358d7447e0d78568d6f927ca4695173979e0f46573073cc8a785ac181"
> and I have an Array like this
>    arr=( T h i s i s a n e x a m p l e ! )  # Could be any othe contents!
> Now I want to step through hexdig digit by digit and use every single
> digit as an index into arr by interpreting each digit as hexadecimal
> digit.

% for i in ${(s::)hexdig}; do echo -n $arr[$(( 16#$i + 1 ))]; done; echo

Mikael Magnusson

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