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Re: wait for the next process to finish

On 13 Dec 2011 at 11:04:44, Rory Mulvaney wrote:
> pids=( )
> echo $R
> coproc () { sleep $(( $R[1]/32767.0*20 )) ; echo $$ }
> pids+=$!
> # copy the coproc fd
> exec 3<&p
> coproc () { sleep $(( $R[2]/32767.0*20 )) ; echo $$ }
> pids+=$!  
> exec 4<&p
> zmodload zsh/zselect
> zselect -r 3 4
> echo $reply
> Then one could parse $reply.
> I don't know, maybe there's a much easier way to create file descriptors 
> for those processes?
> -Rory

I was using this loop

  for f in *.txt
	  what-ever-has-to-happen $f &
	  pwait 20

where pwait is a function

  function pwait() {
          while [ $(jobs -rp | wc -l) -ge $1 ]
		  # sleep 10

(see http://superuser.com/questions/158165/parallel-shell-loops for one
example amongst many).

I was hoping that using "wait" would be better than using a "sleep 10".
But wait waits for them all and not just he last to finish. The nice
thing is that this is a small, easy loop and all the brains is in the
barrier function pwait. Sadly a sleep for 10 seconds is completely


Anthony R Fletcher        
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