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Re: read/write associative array from/to file

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Jérémie Roquet <arkanosis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> echo "myArray=(${(kv)myArray})" >| $db

That works if there are no spaces or special characters involved.  You
could change that line to remove the double quotes and add (q) or (q-) to
the expansion, and it would handle those:

typeset -A myArray
foo 1\ is\ the\ loneliest\ number
bar 42\ isn\'t\ really\ the\ ultimate\ answer
echo myArray=\(${(kvq-)myArray}\) >/tmp/myArray

typeset -A myArray
source /tmp/myArray
echo ${(q-)myArray[bar]}


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