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Re: context for globbing qualifiers based on command

(It wasn't necessary to send this inquiry twice.  It sometimes takes a
little while for a response.)

On Feb 27, 11:20am, Martin Richter wrote:
> Is it possible to tweak the completion such that shell functions are
> grouped at the top when pressing TAB when using (:e...) on a given command?
>   print -l *(e:TAB --> gives a lot of possible functions etc
> but
>   special_command *(e:TAB
> gives only shell function matching some regexp or gives only the single
> function 'foo' or members of an array of functions?

Unfortunately, no.  The zstyle context after *(e: is identical to the
context in any other command position.

However, the $words array hasn't been altered, so you could write a
function to be installed in your "completer" style that examines the
values of $words[1] and $words[CURRENT], something like this:

_special_command_glob_completer() {
  if [[ CURRENT -gt 1 &&
        "$words[1]" = 'special_command' &&
        "$words[CURRENT]" = *\(*e:* ]]
    compset -p ${#words[CURRENT]}
    compadd -J special-globbers sum_equals product_equals
    return 0
    return 1

zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand \
	_special_command_glob_completer \
	_complete _match _ignored _approximate _prefix

(the rest of that completer style is just for example, but you probably
want at least _complete in there after your special one).

It might also be possible to do this more generically with a "matcher"
zstyle in the context :completion::complete:-command-::* but I'll leave
that for someone else to work out.  (It'd have to use "zstyle -e" and
some kind of test similar to the "if" above.)

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