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Re: if the file is not found the files is not found is the file not found

On 4 March 2012 19:37, Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mar 4,  3:31pm, meino.cramer@xxxxxx wrote:
> }
> }      [ -f ${f}-[0-9]*.mp2 ]] && rm -f ${f}-[0-9]*.mp2
> This won't work even if the files do exist, because you can't apply
> a single "-f" test to the multiple files that result from the glob.
> Also you've used "[" on the left but "]]" on the right, which is
> mostly nonsense.  If you instead used [[ on the left then the glob
> would not be expanded and the test would again fail.
> On Mar 4,  3:37pm, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
> }
> } If you setopt extendedglob you can append (#qN) to the pattern
> You don't even need extendedglob -- you just need bare_glob_qual, which
> is on by default unless you're in sh/ksh emulation modes:
>    rm -f ${f}-[0-9]*.mp2(N)

Ah, I've had them both on since forever and knew extendedglob wasn't
on by default, so I assumed bareglobquals was also off.

> I'm sure the archives of zsh-users hold many different answers to the
> question, "Given a file pattern, how do I test whether at least one
> matching file exists?"  Unfortunately, there's really no way to do so
> in a single operation unless you set the no_nomatch option.  [[ ]]
> does not perform globbing, and the test operators such as [ -f ] are
> defined to return TRUE rather than FALSE on a *missing* file name
> operand, so null_glob is not sufficient.

Here's one more for the collection,
if () { (( $# )) } arglblargh*(N[1]); then echo yes; else echo no; fi

But this needs the 'new' anon functions with arguments support.

Mikael Magnusson

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