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Re: Loading functions

On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 11:01:11 +0200
"Christoph (Stucki) von Stuckrad" <stucki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, Mark wrote:
> > Then I realised that ideally my shell would "do something" (e.g.
> > automatically load functions, set env vars) when I go into a directory
> > or any subdirectory and "undo" it (unload these functions, unset the
> > variables) upon leaving the directory. Which ultimately leads to my next
> > question: can zsh be instructed to have a particular environment that is
> > local to certain directories?
> You will have to insert code into the 'hook-function 'chpwd' for
> example by creating a directory of 'environments' like '~/.vim/direnv.d/*'
> and put 'setters' and 'unsetters' into files with some naming scheme,
> and let 'chpwd' source those files according to some schema (tests
> regexps on name, etc.).  This might be realy useful I think...

This is certainly the general solution.

One small part of the answer --- which isn't actually something you
specifically asked for but I find extremely useful for maintaining
histories of "make" and related stuff in different directories --- is to
allow history to be local to a directory.  I do this with special
history search widgets in the line editor together with a function that
decides if the history should be saved locally.  This is independent of
anything to do with directory-local variables, functions etc.

I've attached the two functions needed.  Hope I haven't left out
anything crucial.

My own configuration looks something like this (I've omitted anything
related to commands only present locally):

autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook -Uz zshaddhistory zshaddhistory-local
zle -N history-beginning-local-backward history-beginning-local
zle -N history-beginning-local-forward history-beginning-local
bindkey '\ep' history-beginning-local-backward
bindkey '\en' history-beginning-local-forward

# Use .zsh_local_history as the local history file.
# Note the file must be created by hand by touching it to
# enable local history in a directory.
zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-file .zsh_local_history
# The following commands maintain a local history
zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-commands make gmake gdb gcc
# Anything with a relative path is stored in local history.
zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-pattern '(|[[:alnum:]]## )(.|..)/*'

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>            Software Engineer
Tel: +44 (0)1223 692070                   Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited
Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, UK

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# history-beginning-local
#   Mostly a drop-in replacement for history-beginning-search-backward
#   or -forward, depending on the name.
#   Allows a local history file to be searched for certain commands to execute.
#   The style local-history-file should be set to a list of files that
#   can contain the local history, in the same format as $HISTFILE.
#   The files are searched in order until the first is find.  They
#   can contain a relative or absolute path; clearly an absolute
#   path to an existing file will always match.
#   local-history-commands should be set to a list of commands
#   (or patterns matching commands) that should use the local history
#   file; this can be "*" to handle all commands.  Both styles be set.
#   Alternatively (or in addition), local-history-pattern is a scalar
#   that gives a pattern that must match the command line exactly to
#   initiate use of the mechanism.  Typically this will end in a "*".
#   If the style local-history-only is not set the global history
#   will be searched if there is no match in the local history.
#   The global history is tried again from the most recent entry;
#   no ordering is implied between the two histories.  (Note
#   this style is also checked by zshaddhistory-local to decide
#   whether to save a history entry to the global history.)
#   If the style local-history-verbose is set a notice is printed
#   below the command line if the local history was searched.
#   Styles use the standard form of components separated by colons.
#   The components are
#    - The string "zhist": used rather than "zle" to make this consistent
#      across different functions handling history in different parts of
#      the shell.
#    - The widget name
#    - The current directory as given by $PWD.
#   There is a terminating colon.  It is recommended that a wildcard be
#   used at the end to protect against future enhancements.
#   For example,
#    zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-file .zsh-local-history
#    zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-commands make gcc gdb

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob

local w f new lhp curline
local -a lhf lhc
integer lhv lho restore

typeset -gA __history_beginning_matches
if [[ $WIDGET != $LASTWIDGET ]]; then
integer oldcursor=CURSOR

zstyle -a ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-file lhf || return 1
zstyle -a ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-commands lhc || return 1
zstyle -s ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-pattern lhp
zstyle -t ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-verbose && lhv=1
zstyle -t ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-only && lho=1
# try / always block for restoring history
  for f in $lhf; do
    if [[ -f $f ]]; then
      integer iline
      local -a words found

      if [[ ${(Q)words[1]} = (${(j.|.)~lhc}) || \
	    ( -n $lhp && ${BUFFER} = ${~lhp} ) ]]; then
	(( restore = 1 ))
	fc -p $f

	# Search history for pattern.
	# As $history is an associative array we can get all matches.
	if [[ $WIDGET = *forw* ]]; then
	  # Searching forward.  Look back through matches until we
	  # get back to the current history number.
	  for iline in $found; do
	    (( $iline <= HISTNO )) && break
	    # Skip duplicates.
	    [[ $curline = $BUFFER ]] && continue
	    [[ -n ${__history_beginning_matches[$curline]} ]] && continue
	  # Searching backward.  Look forward through matches until we
	  # reach the current history number.
	  for iline in $found; do
	    (( $iline >= HISTNO )) && break
	    # Skip duplicates.
	    [[ $curline = $BUFFER ]] && continue
	    [[ -n ${__history_beginning_matches[$curline]} ]] && continue
	[[ -n $new ]] && break
	fc -P
	(( restore = 0 ))
  if [[ -n $new ]]; then
    # Match found.  Move to line.
    if [[ $WIDGET = *-end* ]]; then
      zle end-of-line
      (( CURSOR = oldcursor ))
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "Matched in local history"
    return 0
  elif (( lho )); then
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "No match in local history"
    return 1
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "No match in local history; falling through"
} always {
  (( restore )) && fc -P

if [[ $WIDGET = *forw* ]]; then
  zle history-beginning-search-forward
  zle history-beginning-search-backward
local stat=$?

if (( $stat == 0 )); then

if [[ $WIDGET = *-end* ]]; then
  zle end-of-line
  (( CURSOR = oldcursor ))

return $stat
# end
# This function is an adjunct to the history-beginning-local
# zle widget.  It saves any history entries that would be
# found by that widget in the local history file, provided that
# already exists.  It also saves the history globally unless
# the local-history-only style is set in the context.
# The context is :zhist: followed by the function name, a colon, the
# current directory from $PWD, and another colon.

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob

zmodload -i zsh/parameter

local name=${funcstack[1]} lhp
local -a lhf lhc
integer lho

zstyle -a ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-file lhf || return 1
zstyle -a ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-commands lhc || return 1
zstyle -s ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-pattern lhp
zstyle -t ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-only && lho=1

for f in $lhf; do
  if [[ -f $f ]]; then
    local -a words

    if [[ ${(Q)words[1]} = (${(j.|.)~lhc}) || \
      ( -n $lhp && $1 = ${~lhp} ) ]]; then
      # Save on the global history unless we're told not to.
      # If we define multiple zshaddhistory hooks we want a
      # a way of signalling that we've done this.  One way
      # of doing this would be to set a global parameter to $HISTCMD,
      # although that doesn't change if we've ignored the previous line.
      # Another way would be to have a zshaddhistoryhook that reset
      # a global parameter (since this is called first) and rely
      # on all the other hooks being in zshaddhistory_functions,
      # as they should be for neatness.
      (( lho )) || print -Sr -- ${1%%$'\n'}
      fc -p -- $f

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