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Re: compinit causes completion to fail?

To answer my own question:


is what was causing the problem.

I'm now learning about using the f expansion flag instead of mucking with IFS for splitting arrays on newlines



On Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 1:21 AM, TJ Luoma wrote:

> I split my .zshenv and .zshrc into several smaller files which are sourced separately, and now I've broken completion :-/
> If I include these two lines in my zshenv file[1]:
> autoload -U compinit
> compinit
> then completion fails with this message:
> _complete:117: command not found: _normal
> and a ~/.zcompdump file is created [2]
> but if I comment out those two lines:
> #autoload -U compinit
> #compinit
> then completion seems to work OK.
> HOWEVER, if I remove my ~/.zshenv and all related ~/.z* files, and then use 'autoload -U compinit' and 'compinit' then it works fine, and the 'zcompdump' file looks better [4], which further solidifies my belief that the problem here is something I've done in my .zshenv files… but what?
> Did I fail to load something before turning on compinit, or did I set something too early? Bindkeys, perhaps?
> If you look at the 'zcompdump' file [2], specifically at line 117, it says:
> bindkey '^[g" get-lin'  
> that looks wrong to me. In fact, ALL of the bindkey lines look like they have lost the last character.
> This started immediately after I split my ~/.zshenv file into several different files. You can see them all here [3]. This is using 4.3.11 on Mac OS X 10.7.3.  
> I have no idea what I've done here, but I'd appreciate any help.
> TjL
> [1]  
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7t1jagj5clkz0ci/_nzmp1eO9b/interactive/completion.sh
> [2]
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18414/tmp/zcompdump.txt
> [3]
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7t1jagj5clkz0ci/28xgQ85Mye
> [4]
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18414/tmp/zcompdump2.txt

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