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Command not found handler for non-searched commands?

I use autocd quite a bit. And often the first thing I want to do when starting a new project is to create a directory and cd into it. I tried creating the following command_not_found_handler:

command_not_found_handler () {
  local dir create
  echo HEREIAM >&2
  (( $# == 1 )) || return 1
  [[ $1 == */* ]] || return 1
  read -q "create?Create $dir [y/N]? " || return 1
  mkdir -p $dir || return 1
  cd $dir

But, it doesn't get called when I need it:

## when I don't need it:
$ fake-command-here
zsh: command not found: fake-command-here

## when I do need it:
$ ~/tmp/one-off-project
zsh: no such file or directory: /home/bhaskell/tmp/one-off-project

I see from the description of how commands are found that it won't get called when there's a slash in the command. Is there a way to force it? Otherwise, is there another, easy way to accomplish my goal?


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