On 5/9/2012 7:38 AM, Peter Stephenson wrote:
On Wed, 9 May 2012 16:23:20 +0200 Jérémie Roquet<arkanosis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:2012/5/9 reckoner<reckoner@xxxxxxxxx>:I'm trying to use the the [] character range to substitute for embedded parenthesis as in the following: % echo ${x:gs/[()]/_/} But This isn't working for some reason. It's not complaining about syntax, so I'm pretty sure that I'm using the character range [] incorrectly somehow.By default, the left side of a substitution is a string, not a pattern. You have to setopt HIST_SUBST_PATTERN to use patterns instead.Probably better to use the syntax that already handles this: ${x//[\(\)]/_}
This last one doesn't work for me with or without the HIST_SUBST_PATTERN. Thanks!