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Re: equivalent of "if (( $+commands[FOO] ))" for functions?

On Mon, 6 Aug 2012, TjL wrote:

I only recently learned about this method of taking some action only if the command 'FOO' is found:

	if (( $+commands[FOO] ))

	# take actions


but what I am wondering is: is there a way to have this same sort of check, except that it also includes zsh functions/aliases?

If yes, what's the syntax for that?

if (( $+functions[FOO] )) ; then : actions here ; fi
if (( $+aliases[FOO] )) ; then : actions here ; fi

The $commands, $functions, and $aliases associative arrays are described in `man zshmodules` under the heading:


In case you've only seen the idiom you're using, and didn't have an explanation:

$+param expands to 0 if param is unset, and 1 if it's set. The double parentheses: (( ... )) just make the conditional "mathy" (so that non-zero is true). So, you can use this with your own associative arrays, too:

typeset -A some_array
some_array+=( foo some-foo-thing )
if (( $+some_array[foo] ))
    echo yay

Otherwise I'll keep using 'which' and sending the output to /dev/null but I figured it was worth asking.

Combining what you've asked about: to execute some action whether FOO is a command, an alias, or a function (or a built-in):

if (( $+commands[FOO] || $+functions[FOO] || $+aliases[FOO] || $+builtins[FOO] ))
    # actions

But, since `which` is itself a shell built-in, it might be quicker and easier to just keep using it:

if which FOO &> /dev/null
    # actions

I generally use (($+commands[FOO])) to test for whether a command is installed (and usually to run `alias FOO=something` if it's not). Using which FOO &> /dev/null lets the user override FOO in a different way.


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