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Re: Path does not update until I logout/log in

On Dec 4, 11:35am, Norbert Zeh wrote:
} zsh uses a hash table to store the list of known commands.  When you 
} install a new command in your path, you need to update this hashtable by 
} invoking "rehash".  This is similar to csh, I believe (been a while 
} since I used this last).  bash, on the other hand, does a search for 
} valid commands every single time.  zsh provides this possibility, too, 
} by setting the "rehash" option, but this is disabled by default because 
} it incurs a speed penalty.

Just to clarify, "rehash" is a zstyle (manual section for Completion
System Configuration), not an option.

The manual probably ought to have an example of how to set this.  It may
never make sense to use a context other than ":completion:*", but I'm not

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