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Starting ZSH with zle commands.

I'm in the situation that I may be logging into one of a thousands hosts once, and never again, many times a day.
I want to be able to  use bindkeys to automatically fix some mappings.
I've used this to some effect, but bindkeys don't seem to stick.
%/usr/bin/ssh -2 -x -t $host "$cmd"

Even once on the host, starting zsh with a bindkey command doesn't leave me a in a shell with that key binding.
zsh -c 'bindkey | grep beginning-of-line'
%bindkey | grep beginning-of-line

and when I try it this way it doesn't work either
%  "bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line" zsh -Ziy0
zsh: command not found: bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line

Anyone have a suggestion?
David Brotman
Digital Support Engineer

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