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Re: search through alternative HISTFILE

On Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:38:43 +0200
Maarten Grachten <maarten.grachten@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As part of an attempt to archive my command line history, I have a need 
> for bck-i-search (as normally invoked by Ctrl-R), but with a history 
> file that is not $HISTFILE, that is, a different file from that which 
> the current shell uses for saving its history.
> As I envision it, Ctrl-R would still search through the current shell's 
> history (i.e. through $HISTFILE), and another key binding would search 
> through an alternative but constant histfile (say 
> $HOME/.accumulated-history).
> Is this possible, and if so, can any of you give me a hint as to how to 
> achieve it?

It's not quite what you want but it might provide a start since the bits
underneath are pretty similar...  I've attached a ZLE widget I've been
using for a few years that I never quite made neat enough to post.
It uses the history-beginning-search-backward interface rather than the
isearch interface, but that shouldn't be too hard to change.

The idea is it can search backwards both through the main history and a
local history file with the name defined by a style; as an optional
extra it decides by means of what's on the command line so far whether
to search the local history.  Your use is actually slightly simpler.

For good measure, I've also attached a hook function for use with the
zshaddhistory hook that decides whether to save a command locally
(again, this is more than you actually asked for but might be useful).

# history-beginning-local
#   Mostly a drop-in replacement for history-beginning-search-backward
#   or -forward, depending on the name.
#   Allows a local history file to be searched for certain commands to execute.
#   The style local-history-file should be set to a list of files that
#   can contain the local history, in the same format as $HISTFILE.
#   The files are searched in order until the first is find.  They
#   can contain a relative or absolute path; clearly an absolute
#   path to an existing file will always match.
#   local-history-commands should be set to a list of commands
#   (or patterns matching commands) that should use the local history
#   file; this can be "*" to handle all commands.  Both styles be set.
#   Alternatively (or in addition), local-history-pattern is a scalar
#   that gives a pattern that must match the command line exactly to
#   initiate use of the mechanism.  Typically this will end in a "*".
#   If the style local-history-only is not set the global history
#   will be searched if there is no match in the local history.
#   The global history is tried again from the most recent entry;
#   no ordering is implied between the two histories.  (Note
#   this style is also checked by zshaddhistory-local to decide
#   whether to save a history entry to the global history.)
#   If the style local-history-verbose is set a notice is printed
#   below the command line if the local history was searched.
#   Styles use the standard form of components separated by colons.
#   The components are
#    - The string "zhist": used rather than "zle" to make this consistent
#      across different functions handling history in different parts of
#      the shell.
#    - The widget name
#    - The current directory as given by $PWD.
#   There is a terminating colon.  It is recommended that a wildcard be
#   used at the end to protect against future enhancements.
#   For example,
#    zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-file .zsh-local-history
#    zstyle ':zhist:*' local-history-commands make gcc gdb

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob

local w f new lhp curline
local -a lhf lhc
integer lhv lho restore

typeset -gA __history_beginning_matches
if [[ $WIDGET != $LASTWIDGET ]]; then
integer oldcursor=CURSOR

zstyle -a ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-file lhf || return 1
zstyle -a ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-commands lhc || return 1
zstyle -s ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-pattern lhp
zstyle -t ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-verbose && lhv=1
zstyle -t ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-only && lho=1
# try / always block for restoring history
  for f in $lhf; do
    if [[ -f $f ]]; then
      integer iline
      local -a words found

      if [[ ${(Q)words[1]} = (${(j.|.)~lhc}) || \
	    ( -n $lhp && ${BUFFER} = ${~lhp} ) ]]; then
	(( restore = 1 ))
	fc -p $f

	# Search history for pattern.
	# As $history is an associative array we can get all matches.
	if [[ $WIDGET = *forw* ]]; then
	  # Searching forward.  Look back through matches until we
	  # get back to the current history number.
	  for iline in $found; do
	    (( $iline <= HISTNO )) && break
	    # Skip duplicates.
	    [[ $curline = $BUFFER ]] && continue
	    [[ -n ${__history_beginning_matches[$curline]} ]] && continue
	  # Searching backward.  Look forward through matches until we
	  # reach the current history number.
	  for iline in $found; do
	    (( $iline >= HISTNO )) && break
	    # Skip duplicates.
	    [[ $curline = $BUFFER ]] && continue
	    [[ -n ${__history_beginning_matches[$curline]} ]] && continue
	[[ -n $new ]] && break
	fc -P
	(( restore = 0 ))
  if [[ -n $new ]]; then
    # Match found.  Move to line.
    if [[ $WIDGET = *-end* ]]; then
      zle end-of-line
      (( CURSOR = oldcursor ))
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "Matched in local history"
    return 0
  elif (( lho )); then
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "No match in local history"
    return 1
    (( lhv )) && zle -M "No match in local history; falling through"
} always {
  (( restore )) && fc -P

if [[ $WIDGET = *forw* ]]; then
  zle history-beginning-search-forward
  zle history-beginning-search-backward
local stat=$?

if (( $stat == 0 )); then

if [[ $WIDGET = *-end* ]]; then
  zle end-of-line
  (( CURSOR = oldcursor ))

return $stat
# end
# This function is an adjunct to the history-beginning-local
# zle widget.  It saves any history entries that would be
# found by that widget in the local history file, provided that
# already exists.  It also saves the history globally unless
# the local-history-only style is set in the context.
# The context is :zhist: followed by the function name, a colon, the
# current directory from $PWD, and another colon.

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob warncreateglobal

zmodload -i zsh/parameter

local name=${funcstack[1]} lhp f
local -a lhf lhc
integer lho

zstyle -a ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-file lhf || return 1
zstyle -a ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-commands lhc || return 1
zstyle -s ":zhist:${WIDGET}:${PWD}:" local-history-pattern lhp
zstyle -t ":zhist:${name}:${PWD}:" local-history-only && lho=1

for f in $lhf; do
  if [[ -f $f ]]; then
    local -a words

    if [[ ${(Q)words[1]} = (${(j.|.)~lhc}) || \
      ( -n $lhp && $1 = ${~lhp} ) ]]; then
      # Save on the global history unless we're told not to.
      # If we define multiple zshaddhistory hooks we want a
      # a way of signalling that we've done this.  One way
      # of doing this would be to set a global parameter to $HISTCMD,
      # although that doesn't change if we've ignored the previous line.
      # Another way would be to have a zshaddhistoryhook that reset
      # a global parameter (since this is called first) and rely
      # on all the other hooks being in zshaddhistory_functions,
      # as they should be for neatness.
      (( lho )) || print -Sr -- ${1%%$'\n'}
      fc -p -- $f

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