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Re: Glob problem

Adding the (N) Glob Qualifier made a difference but is I'm still not quite there yet. 

print -l $path/$~pattern


This is my full path listing minus the final entry /Users/brent/bin. I know this is a bit of an incidental question but why is the final path entry missing from this output? 

Trying this gets me a little closer.

for entry in $path      
	print -l $entry/$~pattern

-- blank --
-- blank --
-- blank --
-- blank --
-- blank --
-- blank --

Blank lines are printed for the directories that contain no pattern matches. Any quick way to get rid of these?

On Oct 22, 2013, at 2:12 PM, Peter Miller <peter.d.miller@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 10/22/13 14:02, Brent Briggs wrote:
>> Thanks for all the responses. The glob is now being generated properly. However, I am still having a problem getting my loop to run completely through.
>> pattern=git*
>> for entry in $path
>> do
>>     print -l $entry/$~pattern
>> done
>> Output:
>> ----------
>> /opt/local/bin/git
>> /opt/local/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
>> /opt/local/bin/git-cvsserver
>> /opt/local/bin/git-receive-pack
>> /opt/local/bin/git-shell
>> /opt/local/bin/git-upload-archive
>> /opt/local/bin/git-upload-pack
>> /opt/local/bin/gitk
>> zsh: no matches found: /opt/local/sbin/git*
>> /opt/local/sbin/ being the second entry in my path.
>> Also tried:
>> print -l $path/$~pattern
> try
> pattern=git*(N)
> print -l $path/$~pattern
> that will tell zsh to ignore globs that don't have any matches.
>> Output:
>> ----------
>> zsh: no matches found: /Users/brent/bin/git*
>> /Users/brent/bin/ being the last entry in my path.
>> Looks like I need to use a conditional to test if any pattern matches exist, per directory, before trying to print them. I wasn't able to find a solution in the manual that facilitates testing for the existence of pattern matches. I would like to solve this problem using only globbing if possible. I am probably missing something simple.
>> On Oct 22, 2013, at 1:05 PM, Philippe Troin<phil@xxxxxxxx>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 12:45 -0400, Brent Briggs wrote:
>>>> I am simply trying to list all matches for a specified pattern in an
>>>> array of directory paths, the $path array for example. Here is my
>>>> attempt. Where am I going wrong?
>>> Globs are not ran after variable substitution by default.
>>> To run filename generation (aka globs) after variable substitution, use
>>> $~var.
>>> Your example:
>>>> pattern=git*
>>>> for entry in $path
>>>> do
>>>>    # Print all files in the path that match the pattern.
>>>>    print $entry/$pattern
>>>> done
>>> Can be rewritten as:
>>>        pattern=git*
>>>        for entry in $path
>>>        do
>>>            # Print all files in the path that match the pattern.
>>>            print $entry/$~pattern
>>>        done
>>> It can be simplified further as:
>>>        pattern=git*
>>>        print $path/$~pattern
>>> Phil.

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