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Re: zsh 5.0.2-test-1 is available

On Nov 8,  4:16am, Axel Beckert wrote:
} ~ -> zmodload -F zsh/stat b:zstat
} ~ -> zmodload -a zsh/stat zstat
} zmodload: failed to add builtin `zstat'
} 4.3.10 Debian
} Nevertheless I don't get that error message via my zshrc, neither with
} 4.3.10 (Debian Squeeze/Oldstable), 4.3.17 (Debian Wheezy/Stable) nor
} 5.0.2 (Debian Sid/Unstable), just 5.0.2-test-1.

Hrm.  A look at grml's /etc/zsh/zshrc via github shows that these ...

} etc/zsh/zshrc:    zmodload zsh/zprof
} etc/zsh/zshrc:    zmodload -i zsh/${mod} 2>/dev/null || print "Notice: no ${mod} available :("
} etc/zsh/zshrc:    zmodload -a  zsh/stat    zstat
} etc/zsh/zshrc:    zmodload -a  zsh/zpty    zpty
} etc/zsh/zshrc:    zmodload -ap zsh/mapfile mapfile

... are all protected by a test for "is4", which means they should not be
getting executed by 5.0.2-test-1:

    [[ $ZSH_VERSION == <4->* ]] && return 0
    return 1

Unless PWS's commit typo of 4.0.x for 5.0.x somehow extended into the
$ZSH_VERSION variable?

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