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Re: function to run vim

On Nov 13,  6:18am, shawn wilson wrote:
} A while I made a function so that I could keep one vim session (gvim
} really) and that running 'vim file' would open the file in a new tab
} in that session. Recently, it has stopped working.and I'm not sure
} why.

What version of zsh is this (and has that changed recently)?  What does



Does the function work if you do NOT pass the --remote-tab option?

Are you running vimfunc via an alias?  If so, does the behavior change
if you actually type out the full command word "vimfunc ..."?

Try "functions -t vimfunc" to enable execution tracing and then run the
function in the way that fails.

By the way, I think you have a typo here:

}         # list version if we asked for that
}         if [ ! -z version ] ; then
}             cmd="$cmd --version"
}         fi

The [ -z version ] is always going to fail.  Needs $version instead.

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