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Re: widget special PREFIX variable and cursor position with complete_in_word

On 02/18/2014 04:23 PM, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
> That's puzzling because all your examples work for me, at least
> according to my expectations. That is both completion in general and the
> _show_ambiguity function I posted. The files are added as matches with
> backslash quoting for special characters. It isn't ideal if you use ' or
> " in the middle of the word rather than the beginning or for completion
> immediately after \ in the default configuration.

Yes, but in the following case:

mkdir x
touch x/y x/z
ls x/<TAB>

the completion list for me is:

y z

while your original reply string will be:


this won't highlight anything in (y z) since you're matching a full path
that starts with x/.

Because if that works for you, I'm eager to understand how :P

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