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Re: setopt interactivecomments

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Bart Schaefer
<schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Apr 17,  6:07pm, shawn wilson wrote:
> }
> } As for this (and other 'features') I suppose I'd expect package
> } maintainers in Linux to make it as close to what you'd get in bash as
> } possible and the core package to come with configs to get as close to
> } what sh does by default.
> How does that make sense?  If you want "as close to what sh does by
> default" just *use bash*, don't reconfigure things that aren't bash.
> Unless for some reason you can't install bash, which is why zsh behaves
> differently if you name it "sh" instead, so you don't have to worry
> about otherwise mucking its configuration to make it bash-like.

I use zsh because of the zle stuff and (much better) completion and
OMZ and other stuff. I still expect it to behave a certain way.

Basically, I like it for my main shell because I can twist it in ways
that would be much harder (or impossible) in bash (and because BashIt
has a way to go before they're near OMZ).

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