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Re: Difference between ~ except and ^ not in fng

zzapper wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to formulate some examples that show the difference between ~ & 
> ^
> But everytime I do I find I can do it with either.

This is now in the FAQ.

3.27: What are these `^' and `~' pattern characters, anyway?

  The characters `^' and `~' are active when the option
  EXTENDED_GLOB is set.  Both are used to exclude patterns, i.e.  to
  say `match something other than ...'.  There are some confusing
  differences, however.  Here are the descriptions for `^' and `~'.

  `^' means `anything except the pattern that follows'.  You can
  think of the combination ^pat as being like a * except
  that it doesn't match pat.  So, for example, `myfile^.txt'
  matches anything that begins with myfile except myfile.txt.
  Because it works with patterns, not just strings, `myfile^*.c'
  matches anything that begins with myfile unless it ends with
  .c, whatever comes in the middle --- so it matches myfile1.h
  but not myfile1.c.

  Also like `*', `^' doesn't match across directories if you're
  matching files when `globbing', i.e. when you use an unquoted pattern
  in an ordinary command line to generate file names.  So
  `^dir1/^file1' matches any subdirectory of the current directory
  except one called dir1, and within any directory it matches it
  picks any file except one called file1.  So the overall pattern
  matches dir2/file2 but not dir1/file1 nor dir1/file2 nor
  dir2/file1.  (The rule that all the different bits of the pattern
  must match is exactly the same as for any other pattern character,
  it's just a little confusing that what does match in each bit is
  found by telling the shell not to match something or other.)

  As with any other pattern, a `^' expression doesn't treat the
  character `/' specially if it's not matching files, for example
  when pattern matching in a command like `[[ $string = ^pat1/pat2 ]]'.
  Here the whole string pat1/pat2 is treated as the argument that
  follows the `^'.  So anything matches but that one string

  It's not obvious what something like `[[ $string = ^pat1^pat2 ]]'
  means.  You won't often have cause to use it, but the rule is that
  each `^' takes everything that follows as an argument (unless
  it's already inside parentheses --- I'll explain this below).  To see
  this more clearly, put those arguments in parentheses: the pattern is
  equivalent to `^(pat1^(pat2))'. where now you can see exactly what
  each `^' takes as its argument.  I'll leave it as an exercise for
  you to work out what this does and doesn't match.

  `~' is always used between two patterns --- never right at the
  beginning or right at the end.  Note that the other special meaning of
  `~', at the start of a filename to refer to your home directory or
  to another named directory, doesn't require the option
  EXTENDED_GLOB to be set.  (At the end of an argument `~' is
  never special at all.  This is useful if you have Emacs backup files.)
  It means `match what's in front of the tilde, but only if it doesn't
  match what's after the tilde'.  So `*.c~f*' matches any file
  ending in .c except one that begins with f.  You'll see that,
  unlike `^', the parts before and after the `~' both refer
  separately to the entire test string.

  For matching files by globbing, `~' is the only globbing operator
  to have a lower precedence than `/'.  In other words, when you
  have `/a/path/to/match~/a/path/not/to/match' the `~' considers
  what's before as a complete path to a file name, and what's after as a
  pattern to match against that file.  You can put any other pattern
  characters in the expressions before and after the `~', but as I
  said the pattern after the ~ is really just a single pattern to
  match against the name of every file found rather than a pattern to
  generate a file.  That means, for example, that a * after the
  ~ will match a /.  If that's confusing, you can think of
  how `~' works like this: take the pattern on the left, use it as
  normal to make a list of files, then for each file found see if it
  matches the pattern on the right and if it does take that file out of
  the list.  Note, however, that this removal of files happens
  immediately, before anything else happens to the file list --- before
  any glob qualifiers are applied, for example.

  One rule that is common to both `^' and `~' is that they can
  be put inside parentheses and the arguments to them don't extend past
  the parentheses.  So `(^README).txt' matches any file ending in
  .txt unless the string before that was README, the same as
  `*.txt~README.txt' or `(*~README).txt'.  In fact, you can
  always turn `^something' into `(*~something)', where
  `something' mustn't contain / if the pattern is being used for

  Likewise, `abc(<->~<10-100>).txt' matches a file consisting of
  abc, then some digits, then .txt, unless the digits happen to
  match a number from 10 to 100 inclusive (remember the handy `<->'
  pattern for matching integers with optional limits to the range).  So
  this pattern matches abc1.txt or abc200.txt but not
  abc20.txt nor abc100.txt nor even abc0030.txt.  However,
  if you're matching files by globbing note you can't put `/'s
  inside the parentheses since the groups can't stretch across multiple
  directories.  (You can do that, of course, whenever the character
  `/' isn't special.)  This means that you need to take care when
  using exclusions across multiple directories; see some examples below.

  You may like to know that from zsh 5.0.3 you can disable any pattern
  character separately.  So if you find `^' gets in your way and
  you're happy using `~', put `disable -p "^"' in ~/.zshrc.
  You still need to turn on EXTENDED_GLOB; the disable command
  only deactivates things that would otherwise be active, you can't
  specially enable something not allowed by the syntax options in effect.

  Here are some examples with files to illustrate the points.  We'll
  assume the option EXTENDED_GLOB is set and none of the pattern
  characters is disabled.

  1) `**/foo~*bar*' matches any file called `foo' in any
     subdirectory, except where `bar' occurred somewhere in the path.
     For example, `users/barstaff/foo' will be excluded by the `~'
     operator.  As the `**' operator cannot be grouped (inside
     parentheses it is treated as `*'), this is one way to exclude some
     subdirectories from matching a `**'.  Note that this can be quite
     inefficent because the shell performs a complete search for
     `**/foo' before it uses the pattern after the `~' to exclude
     files from the match.  The file is excluded if `bar' occurs
     anywhere, in any directory segment or the final file name.
  2) The form `(^foo/)#' can be used to match any hierarchy of
     directories where none of the path components is foo.  For
     example, `(^CVS/)#' selects all subdirectories to any depth
     except where one component is named `CVS'.  (The form
     `(pat/)#' is very useful in other cases; for example,
     `(../)#.cvsignore' finds the file .cvsignore if it exists
     in the current directory or any parent.)


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