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Re: autoloaded colors() crashes with out of memory error

On Aug 4, 11:22pm, Marc Cornella wrote:
}     $ autoload -t colors
}     $ which colors
}     colors () {
}         # undefined
}         # traced
}         builtin autoload -Xt
}     }
}     $ colors
}     colors:3: fatal error: out of memory
}     Connection to server closed.

The expression

	print -l -- ${^fpath}/colors(|.zwc)(N)

should find the source from which colors is being autoloaded, unless there
is a zwc "digest file" containing multiple function definitions.  Look at

	for zwc in ${^fpath}/*.zwc(N)
            print -- $zwc
            zcompile -t $zwc

to see if there might be any such.  Zsh tries to detect when a .zwc file
is from a different zsh version and avoid loading it, but there may be
cases where that's failing.

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