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Re: How to add a 'non-escaped' tilde to the completion list

On 11/11/14 10:03, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
> #autoload
> local -a expl
> local -au dirs
> # undo work _main_complete did to remove the tilde
> [[ -o magicequalsubst ]] && compset -P '*='
> case $OSTYPE in
>   solaris*) dirs=( ${(M)${${(f)"$(pgrep -U $UID -x zsh|xargs pwdx)"}:#$$:*}%%/*} ) ;;
>   linux*) dirs=( /proc/${^$(pidof zsh):#$$}/cwd(N:A) ) ;;
> esac
> dirs=( ${(D)dirs} )
> compstate[pattern_match]='*'
> _wanted directories expl 'current directory from other shell' \
>     compadd -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" -f -a dirs

I would suggest this addition to the function:

dirs=( ${dirs//\/proc\/*\/cwd/} )

This removes unexpanded directories from the list. This can happen when
a shell's directory has been removed, which pretty regularly is the case
for me with auto-generated build directories.


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