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Re: passing a zsh option when opening an xterm

2014-11-19 14:28:34 +0100, Louis-David Mitterrand:
> apparently (( $(ps -o sid= -p $$) == $$ )) is always true, either when
> launching xterms from ~/.xession (those I want ignoreeof) or later
> through an openbox key mapping (not ignoreeof).
> What do you mean by session leader?

Sorry, I thought you wanted to avoid CTRL-D to kill *any*

The session leader is typically the process that is invoked by
the terminal emulator.

(( $(ps -o sid= -p $$) == $$ ))

returns true for the zsh started by xterm, but not for other
zshs started in that xterm in other processes.

Note (in case that has not already been said) that you can start
xterm as:

xterm -e zsh -o ignoreeof


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