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Re: export

On 11/25/2014 08:54 PM, Kurtis Rader wrote:
If by "fake it" you mean cooperative processes that implement a protocol
for exchanging environment variables then, yes, you can achieve the result
desired by Ray. However I think that everyone trying to achieve this result
wants to do so without having to implement a new data exchange protocol in
every program. If they were willing to implement a private data exchange
protocol they wouldn't be asking this question. :-)

As it is, I pass some variables between running shells all the time in 'preexec()'. Specifically every shell in every xterm knows the current directory of every other so I can do: " cp foo $t4 " with ' $t4 ' being the current dir in xterm #4.

But that's not the problem, I just want 'export' to work between xterms if possible.
It's hardly important tho.

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