On 01/03/2015 12:02 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote:
Well sir, you've made up your mind on that, so I won't flog the subject further, but to say that if:On Jan 3, 9:14am, Ray Andrews wrote: } } Whence is a wrench. Wrenches should not be hard to understand and they } shouldn't have any gotchas. Whence is a pocketknife that you seem to want to be a Leatherman tool. If you want the wrench analogy, wrenches fit on nuts, and nuts of a particular shape. The shape of nut that whence fits on is a single word that might be a key in one of the command-related hash tables. A full file path is not that kind of nut. YOU are making whence hard to understand by trying to feed it things it wasn't designed to accept.
$ whence /usr/bin/zsh... did *not* work, I'd have an easier time accepting your view. But since it *does* work, I stick to my guns that
$ whence -m /usr/bin/zsh... should work as well. IMHO the -m should just quietly undertand that it has nothing to do in that case and bow out gracefully. Anyway, it's not going to happen. Conversely, the man page could explain that -m and -a are incompatible with full path filenames, but that's not going to happen either.