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question about posixbuiltins


The manual says:

       When  this option is set the command builtin can be used to exe‐
       cute shell builtin commands.   Parameter  assignments  specified
       before  shell  functions and special builtins are kept after the
       command completes unless the special builtin  is  prefixed  with
       the  command  builtin.   Special  builtins are ., :, break, con‐
       tinue, declare, eval, exit, export,  integer,  local,  readonly,
       return, set, shift, source, times, trap and unset.

But looks like the parameter assignment before "command special-builtin"
is kept even though POSIX_BUILTINS has been set:

% zsh -f
localhost% setopt posixbuiltins
localhost% foo=bar command export a=b
localhost% print $foo

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