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Re: problem with completion system

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 9:01 AM,  <covici@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi.  I am new to zsh, so I hope I explain myself clearly.  When
> completing things -- particularly files -- sometimes the system will
> tell  me the choices and then place the cursor at the end of the first
> choice, so if that is not the one I want, I must then backspace to the
> point where I started and do again -- what I would like is for the
> system to leave the cursorwhere it was so I can type some more.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

The behaviour you say you want is the default, so you could start by
removing your customizations, or saying what they are so we can point
out which are changing the behaviour, rather than guessing.

Mikael Magnusson

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